
Showing posts from December, 2017

The How, Why and What of Microfiche Conversion

Since the mid-1800’s, Microfilm and Microfiche have been a reliable way to create a hard copy file for storage and saving documents. In fact, over the years, they were essential to efficient information management. But with advances in technology, microfilm and microfiche have become obsolete. It is important to bring your office into 2018 with microfiche scanning from Resource Data Management. It is essential to your business and for all companies and government organizations to invest in microfilm and microfiche conversion. As experts in microfiche conversion for New Jersey and the entire Tri-State area of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania, we’ve put together a rundown of the ‘what, how, why’ of microfiche conversion. What.  In many instances, old rolls of microfiche are not easily accessible and cannot be shared between various people within the organization. In addition, as time passes, the equipment, known as a Microfilm or Microfiche Reader, used to search for data on th