
Showing posts from July, 2018

Getting the Facts About X-Ray Recycling

Did you know you should be recycling your office’s old x-rays? In fact, there are many great benefits to doing so! The main component of an X-ray film is PET plastic, and it is coated with silver; no one wants to throw away silver right?! Right. For many reasons. Throwing ay an X-ray means you are putting PET plastic and silver in the trash, which ultimately goes to a landfill. X-ray recycling is the right thing to do for proper disposal. As professional providers of x-ray recycling for Trenton and the entire Tri-State area, we’ve gotten a few questions about it and how it works. That’s why we’d like to take some time to offer up a few essential facts about it here.. And, if you have any questions about X-ray recycling, document storage or any of the other services we provide don’t hesitate to give us a call. About X-Rays & Silver  Gel within the piece of plastic of an x-ray contains silver, which is very sensitive to light. When the x-ray hits the plastic it causes a mole