Paying the Price for Not Switching to Electronic Health Records

That 2014 deadline to convert to electronic health records from paper has long come and gone. Medical offices that have not yet complied face an annual loss of 1% on all Medicare reimbursements. As of 2016, if you have not made the conversion, you face a 2% annual penalty, this moving to 3% in 2017. The pattern should be more than established in your mind.

Your office will only continue to lose these reimbursements until it makes the conversion to electronic health records. New Jersey medical offices have been putting their trust in Resource Data Management (RDM) for all of their document scanning needs since well before these mandates came into play.

Why keep giving the money that should only be yours to the government? You are entitled to all of the money your office generates. Digital conversion is a time-consuming task but outsourcing it is an option RDM single-handedly eliminates the annoyance. We do the conversion, you ultimately have the electronic health records at your digital fingertips.

·         55% percent of doctors implemented electronic health records in their office by 2011.
·         99% of physicians would pursue or are already trying to get mobile electronic health records.
·         In a 2012 survey, 60% of doctors said that improved patient care far exceeds the costs of having an electronic health records system in place.
·         Some physicians cite a lack of incentives, privacy concerns and obstacles in selecting a vendor as the reasons they have not yet switched to electronic health records.
·         Almost 50% of physicians are comfortable with their office’s or hospital’s budget for electronic health records.
·         Doctors that still use paper health records only get to spend roughly 30 to 40 hours in direct care of patients because of the burden that paperwork creates as well as other menial administrative duties they have to take care of.
·         The bulk of doctors see about 50 to 99 patients a week. How many more patients could they fit in if they eliminate paper?
·         Over the course of two years (2011-2012), bonuses were given to over 55,000 physicians for their implementation and thus utilization of electronic health records.
·         Roughly 75% of electronic health records adopters advise that that their new electronic health records system ended up enhancing patient care.
·         In 2011, the northeastern quadrant of the United States led the nation in Meaningful Use Attestations at 31%.
·         Family practice was the leading specialty that participated in the Medicare Meaningful Use.

Are you interested in learning more about electronic health records in New Jersey? Call Resource Data Management at 215-953-5175 or you can contact us for a Free Estimate.


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