Make 2020 the Year You Update Your Accounts Payable Processing

Looking for a way to better your business in the new year? Make your resolution to update your business’ accounts payable processing! The cost and time savings provided by automation in virtually every aspect of operations, especially accounts payable, are too great to ignore. With automated accounts payable processing for your Delaware business, you can maximize the benefits of fast and accurate invoice processing.
accounts payable processing delaware

Here at Resource Data Management are here to help you with the transition and implementation. We can help make things go as smoothly as possible and help you get the most out of your AP processing. We will have your system implemented and ready in 30 days or less, barring any elected enhancements. The faster we get you up and running, the sooner you’ll see the turn-around speed and ROI. Our contemporary interface design makes it easy to adapt to automation technology and directs you immediately to your assignments upon login.

Accounts payable processing from RDM is easy to implement! Because our interface design stays up to date, it is simple to set up and begin using. Better yet, we can have your system implemented and ready in less than a month, so long as there are no unforeseen hurdles or desired enhancements. And, with accounts payable processing, you’ll be able to go paperless. After all, paper slows down the AP process. Paper requires a printing process and physical transportation. Then it piles up or is thrown away. It requires labor and many steps to move a few bits of transaction data from one place to another. By electronically managing the documents and information that drive your accounts payable processes, you reduce manual work effort, increase visibility, and improve process controls and tracking.

It is also important to use trusted software. Today’s software, and particularly WebDocs used here at RDM allows robotics to handle repetitive and labor-intensive tasks, particularly the long tail of tasks, freeing up time for you and your employees for more important ones. In fact, WebDocs customers reduce their invoice processing and approval time from weeks down to just days. For those who benefit from early payment discounts, the ROI in time savings alone pays for the system in the first couple of months. With WebDocs for your invoice management, all invoices and documents pertaining to POs, check requests, receiving documents and more are cataloged and accessible only by those with the set permissions. This allows you and your business to have all-important audit preparedness.

The new year is a great time to get organized prepared! To learn more about accounts payable processing for your Delaware business, please give us a call at 215-953-5175 or Contact Us.


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